Archive for November 10th, 2009

W-JAX 2009: CouchDB, die REST-basierte Datenbankalternative fürs WEB 2.0

couchdbDisclaimer: This entry has been written while listening to the talk. Please forgive me any typographical or grammatical errors resulting from this approach.

Frank Pientka from Materna, another company from Dortmund, will report about CouchDB as a document oriented databased optimized for REST access. Since QuinScape is employing Sven Helmberger, maintainer of the JCouchDB open source project and we recently had an internal TechTalk about CouchDB and JCouchDB I was looking forward to see what other companies are doing with this exciting new technology.

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W-JAX 2009: JCR – Java Content Repositories

stapelDisclaimer: This entry has been written while listening to the talk. Please forgive me any typographical or grammatical errors resulting from this approach.

Carsten Ziegeler is going to present the basic concepts behind Java Content Repositories, the features of version 2 of the standard and its use as a potential alternative to classical database approaches. Since I often work with less structured data and web applications (and their respective CMS requirements) I’m curious about the new JCR features. Our last internal talk abou JCR at QuinScape was about two years ago – so some things probably will have happened.

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W-JAX 2009: Hibernate Search – Full-text search for Hibernate applications

hibernateDisclaimer: This entry has been written while listening to the talk. Please forgive me any typographical or grammatical errors resulting from this approach.

Emmanuel Bernard from JBoss is next – he is going to cover basic topics like general search functionalities with Hibernate as well as advanced topics like how to handle typos and approximations in combination with Lucene.

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W-JAX 2009: The Future of Enterprise Java

dukeDisclaimer: This entry has been written while listening to the talk. Please forgive me any typographical or grammatical errors resulting from this approach.

Adam Bien is going to talk about the future of Enterprise Java. As we as QuinScape switched (mostly) to Spring in order to avoid the hassle of Enterprise Java and provide more benefit for less money to our customers I am looking forward to Adams statement since he is really one of those guys who just “get Enterprise Java”. I just wish Sun would have had more luck with that technology as a whole…

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W-JAX 2009: EJB in the Large, Part I

dukeDisclaimer: This entry has been written while listening to the talk. Please forgive me any typographical or grammatical errors resulting from this approach.

Fabiane Bizinella Nardon is going to give an overview about one of the largest – maybe the largest – EJB application ever created. Knowing very few actually working EJB systems I am very interested in this.

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W-JAX 2009: Why the next five years will be about languages

babelDisclaimer: This entry has been written while listening to the talk. Please forgive me any typographical or grammatical errors resulting from this approach.

Next is the keynote by Ted Neward about language evolution. Since I am myself a strong believer in DSLs I’m looking forward to this talk.

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W-JAX 2009: Opening by Sebastian Meyen

w-jaxDisclaimer: This entry has been written while listening to the talk. Please forgive me any typographical or grammatical errors resulting from this approach.

Sebastian will open the conference with an overview of hot topics and things to come. Let’s get ready to rumble…

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It’s W-JAX time… and time for a summary…

w-jaxW-JAX 2009 starts for me today… since the past couple of weeks have been extremely busy (how could it be otherwise 😉 this is a good time to catch up with the state of affairs and update the blog once more. Here we go…

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