SpringOne 2009: The industrialization of Java

crashDisclaimer: This entry has been written while listening to the talk. Please forgive me any typographical or grammatical errors resulting from this approach.

Next I’m going to listen to a talk by Accenture – hopefully not running into some marketing blitz.

But things start out badly… the announced speaker is not there, the slides have been renamed to “Java Foundation Architecture” and my gut tells me, that I’m going to hear something about how cool Accenture is in developing Java. And it happened…

Standard phrases, all the standard stuff (extracting and standardizing components from projects, architecture patterns, inhouse frameworks, all the buzz words like MDA and MDSD, DSL and TDD and so on, …). And nothing really new… DRY… Spring… *groan*

A mediocre presentation, lousy slides with so much text and boxes that I would like to gag and triviality after triviality telling me how systematic Accenture is. I take for granted that Accenture is processing huge projects and I respect that – but in 2009 I expect a bit more than a boring and uninspired presentation that would neither have been informative nor innovative if it were held in 2005.

And the trivialities are amazing… Accenture has issue tracking. Wow. A build server. Amazing. Automated tests. Genius. Images for preconfigured servers. Mind boggling. Maven. You dirty little innovators. Eclipse. Wow. Users no longer need the command line to generate projects but they have a dialog box. Apple would be impressed by your usability attempts.

Somehow I feel a good idea s hidden in this presentation – if it only were accessible. I now need to… ah… do something else. This easily was and is the worst talk I so far have seen 🙁 Even combined with last weeks JAX talks.

Dear Accenture guys… learn to be silent if you have nothing new to see. Learn to talk about the brilliant things you surely are doing because you are a great company. And learn more about doing interesting presentations… once more I have to recommend my beloved Presentation Zen.

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