Design Fascination

I’m really interested in design. Sadly I’m neither very talented (as you can see from the way I modified this blog theme) nor did I ever happen to enjoy any formal design education. Nonetheless I once more noticed how much I enjoy toying around with colors, fonts and more. I usually feel very inspired to start writing while playing with fonts… there are so many fonts out there that just ooze feelings… and provide ideas for stories, games and more.

Just look at the following font samples – IMHO they ooze stories and I could start writing right away:
Fonts for roleplaying games

And that’s just the beginning… I’ve got dozens and dozens of fonts on my hard drive and my version of Adobe Indesign is just waiting for layout material… I love toying around with that wonderful piece of software, too. BTW I’m right now looking for a cheap way to get a Macintosh version of Indesign – I own the latest version of Indesign for Windows but since I bought my new shiny Macbook and also procured a huge number of wonderfully inspiring wallpapers, I really would love to design, write and layout the games currently lurking in sone corner of my mind. Seems more creative to me to do it on a Mac though. Right now I’m thus considering to invest in Parallels or VMWare Fusion, but I still need to find some people with first hand experiences to tell me if it’s worth the trouble of installing an extra Windows on my Macbook. We’ll see about that.

Oh… and this blog just got yet another logo… I’ll continue to fiddle with it since it still does not seem to be right.

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